Harboring Hurricane Victims
I have decided on a new exercise regimen: latin dancing and hiking pyramids. I don't know if it'll be one of those that I can keep up when I get home, but we'll see how it goes. Life has been crazy. Aside from the private dance lessons we receive from the nice Puebla boys (they know we can't date- no worries there), we have had one exciting week. Tuesday we finished up teaching the workshop in Cholula, and it was a great experience. Upon our arrival at home, we began our ritual of Tuesday night Smallville (they're showing the fourth season, which we still need to catch up on), when we received a phone call from our manager saying that there was a hurrican in Vera Cruz, they had picked the girls there up (Crystal and Lindsay), and could they stay with us for awhile. Of course we agreed, and about five minutes later, found ourselves with a couple house guests. We had a great time with them- they have had their share of adventures, so we stayed up for awhile swapping stories, and catching up. We finally started getting ready for bed when Kizzy came running down the stairs yelling "We have serenaders!" We all followed her up the stairs and looked out the upstairs window and saw two young Mexican men standing outside the gate with a guitar, singing beautifully. Turned out to be Abinadi and Eduardo, two friends we met at the institute (Abinadi is also our unofficial dance instructor). We felt like we were in a movie, and the Vera Cruz girls were very impressed. After a few songs, we let them in, and they played a couple more for us. It was fabulous. The excitement continued nightly, as we had more visitors, and more dance lessons. (We found that if we move all the furniture out of our living room, it makes a great dance floor.) Friday night, we taught the workshop again, and then went out with some friends afterwards. We ended up dancing well into the night, and I think the lessons paid off. We had a great time. This is one tradition I think I will continue.
Saturday morning, the Vera Cruz girls left- just in time for the Mexico City girls (Katie and Diana) to show u

Hope all is well there, and maybe if you're lucky, you too with get the chance to have a great workout, and harbor hurricane victims.
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